Our Events
Children cycling at Wheelathon

Next Event in Cheltenham :    Picnic in the Park  (Pittville), 17 August



One of our supporters stepping out

                 Sponsored Walk

Band playing in bandstand

                 Brass Band concert

Familes enjoying Scalectrix

Family Fun Afternoon

Did you know that ....

Christian Aid  works with some of the world's most vulnerable communities in 29 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America and the Caribbean.

When emergencies strike in these countries, Christian Aid is there before, during and after to save lives and support people in the long term.

Wheelathon images

Future events...

The dates of some events that are planned for 2024 are shown below (further details will be available in due course).   In the meantime, Christian Aid's work remains as essential as ever - if you want to support the work, you can make a donation on the Christian Aid Appeal page.

Saturday 17 August - Picnic in the Park, Pittville Park, 12 - 2pm

Saturday 9 November - Autumn Fair, 10.30am at St Andrew's

Saturday 14 December - Carol Singing at Supermarkets

                                                                                  ( details TBA )


    If you'd like to join in, just click on the image to contact us!

Girl with tap at well


Christian Aid Week 2024

The total raised in Cheltenham during Christian Aid Week 2024 was

£7,864.  This was achieved with the support of churches throughout the Cheltenham area.  Thank you to everyone who  helped by delivering envelopes or by making a donation.